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Jefferson Weaver
Jun 22, 2017
Whiteville planner no stranger to area
Whiteville’s new City Planner Robert Lewis is no stranger to the area. Lewis, 34, lives at Lake Waccamaw with his wife Andrea. His...

Allen Turner
Jun 19, 2017
Commissioners to pass budget, discuss economic development
The Columbus County Board of Commissioners tonight will pass a proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1 and go behind closed...

Jun 8, 2017
Columbus Jobs hears Carter talk about Atlantic’s growth in Tabor
Columbus Jobs Foundation President Rick Edwards, left, and President Wes Carter of Atlantic Packaging. Atlantic employs more than 300 in...

May 15, 2017
Jones, Britt feel good about bills that ‘crossed’
Rep. Brenden Jones, RColumbus, and Sen. Danny Britt, R-Robeson, Columbus County’s two delegates to the N.C. General Assembly, expressed...

Mar 7, 2017
"CJF Chairman Rick Edwards speaks at a luncheon hosting two new business prospects.”
#rickedwards #ColumbusJobs #columbusjobsfoundation

Allen Turner
Mar 6, 2017
RadixBay a high-level IT security, coding center
The novelist Thomas Wolfe had it wrong, at least as far as Greg Lovette is concerned: you can go home again. Lovette, a 52-year old...

Allen Turner
Mar 2, 2017
Commissioners okay Ga.-Pacific lease negotiations
The Columbus County Board of Commissioners didn’t take a formal vote Wednesday night but authorized County Attorney Mike Stephens and...

Feb 21, 2017
Smith will file for council seat
Whiteville native Justin Smith announced Monday his intention to run for a District 1 city city council seat in the November general...

Allen Turner
Feb 20, 2017
Lovette brings IT expertise home with RadixBay
Greg Lovette shakes hands with Columbus Jobs Chairman Rick Edwards A Columbus County native who has seen success in the information...

Les HIgh
Feb 20, 2017
Two prospects announced; DOT looks at rail study
The end of last week saw a flurry of business and industrial activity in Columbus County, not only centered around the former...

Nicole Cartrette
Feb 7, 2017
SCC touting free tuition in the fall
High School students across Columbus County can attend college for free beginning in the fall of this year. Those students who...

Diana Matthews
Feb 7, 2017
Chamber celebrates 80 years
The board of directors includes, front row: Amber Bellamy, Nancy Sigmon, Joan Ward, chairman; Rebecca Murphy, and Pickett Council Ellis....

Les HIgh
Feb 6, 2017
Columbus Jobs membership kick-off
The Columbus Jobs Foundation will have its membership kick-off event Thursday, Feb. 16 and celebrate the accomplishments of 2016. The...

Feb 2, 2017
Native son is V.P. of railroad ties company
Ron Gaskins has been named vice president of a new local company that is not yet producing a product, so far as the public knows, but he...

Les HIgh
Nov 22, 2016
Commissioners will buy Georgia-Pacific property
The Georgia-Pacific plant, in background, is adjacent to Southeast Regional Park. The county commissioners voted to buy the vacant...

Jul 21, 2016
Team approach bringing new jobs to county
A revitalized team approach taken by Columbus County economic development groups and the county commissioners paid dividends with the...

Les High
Jul 21, 2016
Railroad tie recycling company locating here
A railroad crosstie recycling company that will eventually bring 50 new jobs to the county announced it is locating near the former...

Jul 21, 2016
15 Under 40 party slated for July 29
A party to celebrate the Class of 2016 Fifteen Under 40 winners is set for Friday evening, July 29 at the Batten Pavilion at Vineland...

Allen Turner
Jul 15, 2016
Commissioners okay grant for company near Georgia-Pacific
In a split 6-1 vote, the Columbus County Board of Commissioners last Monday approved a $100,000 grant to the Columbus Jobs Foundation’s...

Allen Turner
Jul 15, 2016
Two proposed railroad routes would utilize old rail bed
Two of six proposed routes to connect local rail service to the port would utilize much of the abandoned rail bed between here and...
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